Project Description


Optimising dynamic function of the lumbo pelvic region

Speaker: Trish Wisbey-Roth PT

About Trish Wisbey- Roth…

Description of Workshop:

This course provides a  functional  muscular assessment and  comprehensive functional rehab stratagies for the lumbo-pelvic region.

This clinically focused One day course is intensely practical where participants are exposed to a wide variety of functional exercises and theory/research behind how to assess and progress a lumbo/pelvic functional program and adherence rehab strategies
A comprehensive exercise protocol will be explained and demonstrated with take home exercise examples for clinical use.

The clinical assessment protocol and exercise program design can be progressed from very specific retraining of spinal and pelvic function through to dynamic functional movement patterns required for work, ADL through to high level sport.

The course includes:
• A detailed outline of the dynamic slings of the lumbo-pelvic and hip regions and how they relate to individual patient presentation
• A specific and graded assessment protocol for lumbo-pelvic-hip function
• Detailed practical strategies that can be incorporated into rehabilitation and maintenance training programs to optimise dynamic lumbo-pelvic function and proprioception.
• Detailed exercise handouts included in the training manual that can be applied in the clinic immediately
• A grading system to assess and progress a spinal/pelvic functional program from the acute stage of treatment, to return to normal function.
• Practical session on a wide variety of graded functional exercises for the lumbar, pelvic region for the appropriate grade of dynamic function exhibited and how to progress.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn assessment of dysfunctional muscle recruitment patterns of the lumbar spine and pelvis.
  • Incorporate a grading system to assess and progress a lumbo-pelvic functional program from the acute stage of treatment, to return to normal function.
  • Practice a wide variety of graded and progressed functional exercises using proprioceptive cues and recognising the correct level of exercise difficulty and how to progress.

More info about Trish and her courses provided here.