Project Description

Dr Bengt Sturesson is a respected specialist in Orthopaedics. He had his specialisation in the university hospital in Malmö, Sweden. Currently he is working as Consultant in General Orthopeadics and Spine Disorders at Aleris Specialisvård in Ängelholm.
Since 1989 he has performed sacroiliac fusions and minimal invasive sacroiliac fusions since 2011. With his expertise he has been a valuable speaker and has years of experience teaching sacroiliac fusions throughout Europe.
As a published expert on biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint (since1986), Dr. Sturesson’s thesis on “Load and Movement of the Sacroiliac Joint”, Lund University (1999) has been fundamental in understanding sacroiliac problems.
Further contributions include the european multicenter RCT on sacroiliac fusions and the European Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic girdle pain.
His contributions to international research on the Sacroiliac Joint has been important for clinical, diagnostics and surgical treatments.