Project Description

Jan Hartvigsen is Professor and Head of the Research Unit for Clinical Biomechanics at the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark and Senior Researcher at the Nordic Institute of Chiropractic and Clinical Biomechanics. He is also Co-Director of the Graduate School of Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health at the University of Southern Denmark as well as co-founder of the Danish Center for Muscle and Joint Health. Jan oversees a comprehensive research program dealing with clinical, epidemiological, basic science, and health service aspects of musculoskeletal disorders with a focus on spine pain and disability.
His main research interest is back and neck pain as part of general poor health and how lifecourse trajectories may be modified using patient education and physical activity and exercise to empower people to cope and live with their pain.
Jan is a member of the Executive Organizing Committee of the Forum for Research on Back and Neck Pain in Primary Care. Among many national and international committee memberships, he has served as expert advisor and expert group member to the Danish Health and Medicines Authority in relation Danish National Clinical Guidelines on management of back pain and neck pain, as well as health technology assessments dealing with back pain and shoulder surgery. Jan Hartvigsen has published 140+ papers in international scientific journals.